
Viewing 11-17 of 17 results (listed by best match)

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Madisonville, Evansville Goodwill Industries

Accepts and sells donated items to provide jobs and job training and fund the expansion services, including literacy and workforce development programs.

Services: General Clothing Donation Programs, Senior Community Service Employment Programs, Thrift Shops

101 Madison Square Drive

Madisonville, KY 42431

(812) 474-2222

Owensboro-Daviess County, Kentucky Habitat for Humanity

Provides affordable homeownership opportunities to low-income families.

Services: Donation Pickups, Sweat Equity Programs

2930 West 4th Street

Owensboro, KY 42301

(270) 926-6110

Owensboro, Project CARAT

Provides under served individuals with disabilities in Kentucky with assistive technology and durable medical equipment by collecting and refurbishing the equipment.

Services: General Assistive Technology Equipment, General Medical Equipment/Supplies Provision, Medical Equipment/Assistive Technology Donation Programs

815 Triplett Street

Owensboro, KY 42302

(800) 209-6202

Owensboro Salvation Army

Provides youth services, family counseling and other community services.

Services: Automobile Donation Programs, Christmas Baskets, Electric Service Payment Assistance, Food Pantries, Gas Service Payment Assistance, Holiday Gifts/Toys, Rent Payment Assistance

215 South Ewing Road

Owensboro, KY 42302

(270) 685-5576

Paintsville, Project CARAT

Provides under served individuals with disabilities in Kentucky with assistive technology and durable medical equipment by collecting and refurbishing the equipment.

Services: General Assistive Technology Equipment, General Medical Equipment/Supplies Provision, Medical Equipment/Assistive Technology Donation Programs

5659 Main Street

Thelma, KY 41260

(606) 788-6630

Parrish Avenue-Owensboro, Evansville Goodwill Industries

Accepts and sells donated items to provide jobs and job training and fund the expansion services, including literacy and workforce development programs.

Services: General Clothing Donation Programs, Senior Community Service Employment Programs, Thrift Shops

2916 West Parrish Avenue

Owensboro, KY 42301

(812) 474-2222

Union County, Kentucky Habitat for Humanity

Provides affordable homeownership opportunities to low-income families.

Services: Building Deconstruction Programs, Donation Pickups, Low Cost Building Materials/Supplies, Sweat Equity Programs, Thrift Shops

925 US Highway 60 East

Morganfield, KY 42437

(270) 952-8817

Viewing 11-17 of 17 results (listed by best match)
