Employment Services

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The Drop Lawrence County

Provides a safe drug-free zone for transition age youth and young adults ages 14-25 where they can visit on an informal basis to find mutual support and access to social and recreational activities.

Services: Age Peer Networking, Case/Care Management, Drop In Centers, Youth Centers, Youth Employment Programs

60 Professional Park Drive

Louisa, KY 41230

(606) 826-0289

Union County Adult Education, West Kentucky Educational Cooperative

Offers a variety of programs related to adult education, including GED, employment testing and training services.

Services: Career Development, College/University Entrance Support, English as a Second Language

510 South Mart Street

Morganfield, KY 42437

(270) 969-1190

Union County Office, Audubon Area Community Services

Provides various programs including weatherization, energy payment assistance, healthcare enrollment and information services.

Services: Career Development, Electric Service Payment Assistance, Family Preservation Programs, Food Pantries, Foster Grandparent Program, Gas Service Payment Assistance, Heating Fuel Payment Assistance, In Person Assister Programs, Low Income/Subsidized Private Rental Housing, Residential Placement Services for People With Disabilities, RSVP Program, Senior Community Service Employment Programs, Senior Companion Program, Weatherization Programs

227 North Richards Lane

Morganfield, KY 42437

(270) 389-3742

Washington County Adult Education, Nelson County Public Schools

Offers a variety of programs related to adult education, including GED, employment testing and training services.

Services: Career Development, College/University Entrance Support, English as a Second Language

160 Corporate Drive

Springfield, KY 40069

(270) 507-0836

Webster County Adult Education, West Kentucky Educational Cooperative

Offers a variety of programs related to adult education, including GED, employment testing and training services.

Services: Career Development, College/University Entrance Support, English as a Second Language

133 North State Street

Sebree, KY 42455

(270) 835-7719

Webster County Office, Audubon Area Community Services

Provides various programs including weatherization, energy payment assistance, healthcare enrollment and information services.

Services: Career Development, Electric Service Payment Assistance, Family Preservation Programs, Foster Grandparent Program, Gas Service Payment Assistance, Heating Fuel Payment Assistance, In Person Assister Programs, Low Income/Subsidized Private Rental Housing, Residential Placement Services for People With Disabilities, RSVP Program, Senior Community Service Employment Programs, Senior Companion Program, Weatherization Programs

73 Stegal Street

Dixon, KY 42409

(270) 639-5635

Winchester Campus, College for Technical Education

Offers technical college programs in the fields of building trades, technician business, office administration, early childhood education, food and hospitality services, professional medical assistant, cosmetology and nail technician.

Services: Apprenticeship Training, Colleges/Universities, Student Financial Aid

2135 Bypass Road

Winchester, KY 40391

(859) 744-3361

Viewing 51-57 of 57 results (listed by best match)
