Clothing and Household Goods

Viewing 1-10 of 14 results (listed by best match)

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Birthright of Lexington

Provides confidential, non-judgmental support to any woman who is pregnant or thinks she might be pregnant, no matter her age, race, circumstances, religion, marital status or financial situation.

Services: Baby Clothing, Clinical Pregnancy Tests, Crisis Pregnancy Hotlines, Diapers, Maternity Clothing

145 Burt Road

Suite 9

Lexington, KY 40503

(859) 277-2635

Church Alive

Provides church services and offers a food pantry and for Daviess County residents.

Services: Baby Clothing, Children's Clothing, Food Pantries, Soup Kitchens

325 Carter Road

Owensboro, KY 42301

(270) 683-4200

Clark County Community Services

Provides food, clothing, shelter and some utility payment assistance to individuals and families in Clark County.

Services: Christmas Baskets, Commodity Supplemental Food Program, Electric Service Payment Assistance, Food Pantries, Gas Service Payment Assistance, General Clothing Provision, Homelessness Prevention Programs, Public Showers/Baths, Rapid Re-Housing Programs, Sewer Service Payment Assistance, Tax Preparation Assistance, Thrift Shops, Water Service Payment Assistance

30 Taylor Avenue

Winchester, KY 40391

(859) 744-5034

Goodwill Retail & Donation Center and Goodwill Career Center, Goodwill Industries of KYOWVA Area

Provides educational programs through the Career Center which prepare students from all walks of life for new careers, provides Goodwill Employment Services to help individuals with disability or other barriers to employment find work within the local communities served by Goodwill Industries of KYOWVA Area and also offers men professional attire for job interviews or employment through the Hire Attire program, in addition to being the location for a Goodwill Retail Store and Donation Center.

Services: Vocational Rehabilitation, Work Clothing

1005 Virginia Avenue West

Huntington, WV 25704

(304) 523-7461

Happy Feet Equals Learning Feet

Provides a new pair of quality athletic shoes to school-aged children in need.

Services: Shoes

1020 State Route 56 East

Morganfield, KY 42437

(270) 952-8015

Help Office of Owensboro

Provides food, clothing and emergency financial assistance to those in need.

Services: Diapers, Electric Service Payment Assistance, Food Donation Programs, Food Pantries, Gas Money, Gas Service Payment Assistance, General Clothing Donation Programs, General Clothing Provision, General Dentistry, Glasses/Contact Lenses, Personal/Grooming Supplies, Prescription Expense Assistance, Rent Payment Assistance, Vision Screening, Water Service Payment Assistance

1316 West 4th Street

Owensboro, KY 42301

(270) 685-4971

Henderson Salvation Army

Provides volunteer opportunities, worship service, other community services for Henderson, Union and Webster Counties.

Services: Automobile Donation Programs, Electric Service Payment Assistance, Food Pantries, Gas Service Payment Assistance, General Clothing Donation Programs, General Clothing Provision, Heating Fuel Payment Assistance, Holiday Gifts/Toys, Rent Payment Assistance, Soup Kitchens, Thanksgiving Meals, Thrift Shops

1213 Washington Street

Henderson, KY 42420

(270) 826-4472

Kathy J Strange Answer Center

Offers clothing and household items to individuals in need.

Services: Free School Supplies, General Clothing Provision, Holiday Gifts/Toys

2360 Green River Road

Henderson, KY 42420

(270) 827-9888

McLean County Help Office

Provides food, clothing and household items to those in need.

Services: Food Pantries, General Clothing Provision, General Household Goods Provision

225 Hill Street

Livermore, KY 42352

(270) 278-5500

Owensboro, Sleep in Heavenly Peace

Builds and delivers beds to children who don't have beds to sleep in.

Services: Beds

(844) 432-2337 x5950

Viewing 1-10 of 14 results (listed by best match)
