Health and Dental Care

Viewing 1-10 of 44 results (listed by best match)

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Affirm Women's Health

Provides information, counseling and support and a variety of services to women and families with an unexpected pregnancy.

Services: Fetal Ultrasound, Parenting Skills Classes, Postabortion Counseling, Pregnancy Testing

227 West Irvine Street

Richmond, KY 40475

(859) 575-7060

Birthright of Lexington

Provides confidential, non-judgmental support to any woman who is pregnant or thinks she might be pregnant, no matter her age, race, circumstances, religion, marital status or financial situation.

Services: Baby Clothing, Clinical Pregnancy Tests, Crisis Pregnancy Hotlines, Diapers, Maternity Clothing

145 Burt Road

Suite 9

Lexington, KY 40503

(859) 277-2635

Cabell Platt Medical Center, Health First Community Health Center

Provides a variety of medical services including pediatric, family and internal medicine, dermatology and mental health.

Services: Community Clinics, Outpatient Mental Health Facilities

700 Martin Luther King Jr Avenue

Henderson, KY 42420

(270) 826-4800

Calhoun, Health First Community Health Center

Provides a variety of medical services including pediatric, family and internal medicine, dermatology and mental health.

Services: Community Clinics, Outpatient Mental Health Facilities

295 Main Street

Calhoun, KY 42327

(270) 273-9310

Care Net of Owensboro

Provides information, counseling and support and a variety of services to women and families with an unexpected pregnancy.

Services: Adoption Information/Referrals, Fetal Ultrasound, Parenting Skills Classes, Postabortion Counseling, Pregnancy Testing, Sexually Transmitted Infection Screening, Sexually Transmitted Infection Treatment

425 East 18th Street

Owensboro, KY 42303

(270) 697-9154

Clay, Health First Community Health Center

Provides a variety of medical services including pediatric, family and internal medicine, dermatology and mental health.

Services: Community Clinics, Outpatient Mental Health Facilities

9086 State Route 132 West

Clay, KY 42404

(270) 664-2526

Community Dental Clinic

Provides a variety of dental procedures including routine care and prevention services.

Services: General Dentistry

2811 New Hartford Road

Suite A

Owensboro, KY 42303

(270) 691-6205

Cooper Campus, Bluegrass Community and Technical College

Provides 2 year college and technical school program including general studies, specialized fields of study, vocational classes/certifications, adult education/GED tests and English as a Second Language (ESL) classes.

Services: Colleges/Universities, General Dentistry, Pediatric Dentistry, Tuition Assistance

470 Cooper Drive

Lexington, KY 40506

(859) 246-6200

Daviess County Community Health Center/Adult Day Center, Green River District Health Department

Provides outpatient health care for a broad range of diagnostic and treatment services, community education and environmental services for residents and businesses.

Services: Adult Day Program Centers, Breast Examinations, Breastfeeding Support Programs, Contraception, Diabetes Management Clinics, Early Intervention for Children With Disabilities/Delays, Emergency Preparedness and Response Training, HIV Testing, Immunizations, In Person Assister Programs, Nutrition Education, Pap Tests, Prenatal/Postnatal Home Visitation Programs, Prescription Expense Assistance, Public Health Information/Inspection/Remediation, Septic System Permits, Sexually Transmitted Infection Screening, Smoking/Vaping Cessation, Tuberculosis Screening, Well Baby Care

1600 Breckenridge Street

Owensboro, KY 42303

(270) 686-7744

Deaconess Clinic-Atkinson, Deaconess Health System

Provides a variety of medical services including pediatric and family medicine.

Services: Community Clinics

1413 North Elm Street

Henderson, KY 42420

(270) 827-8662

Viewing 1-10 of 44 results (listed by best match)
