Mental Health and Support Groups

Viewing 1-10 of 93 results (listed by best match)

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Adoption Support for Kentucky

Offers innovative training and inclusive support group practices to meet the needs of foster, adoptive, relative and fictive-kin caregivers throughout the Commonwealth.

Services: Adoption and Foster/Kinship Care Support Groups

1648 McGrathiana Parkway

Suite 400

Lexington, KY 40511

(888) 442-7559

Affirm Women's Health

Provides information, counseling and support and a variety of services to women and families with an unexpected pregnancy.

Services: Fetal Ultrasound, Parenting Skills Classes, Postabortion Counseling, Pregnancy Testing

227 West Irvine Street

Richmond, KY 40475

(859) 575-7060

Alliance Health Center

Offers an extensive continuum of behavioral health programs to critically ill children, adolescents and adults.

Services: Adolescent Psychiatric Inpatient Units, Adult Psychiatry, Comprehensive Outpatient Substance Use Disorder Treatment, Detoxification

5000 Highway 39 North

Meridian, MS 39301

(601) 483-6211

Autism Society of the Bluegrass

Provides a variety of services for persons with autism, their families and professionals.

Services: Health/Disability Related Support Groups, System Advocacy

PO Box 24212

Lexington, KY 40524

(859) 402-6733

Birthright of Lexington

Provides confidential, non-judgmental support to any woman who is pregnant or thinks she might be pregnant, no matter her age, race, circumstances, religion, marital status or financial situation.

Services: Baby Clothing, Clinical Pregnancy Tests, Crisis Pregnancy Hotlines, Diapers, Maternity Clothing

145 Burt Road

Suite 9

Lexington, KY 40503

(859) 277-2635

Birthright of Owensboro

Provides support, information and referral services to women with an unplanned pregnancy.

Services: Adoption Information/Referrals, Crisis Pregnancy Hotlines, Parenting Skills Classes, Pregnancy Testing

1724 Triplett Street

Owensboro, KY 42303

(270) 926-7561

Blue Moon Stables, Healing Reins of Kentucky

Provides equine assisted activities and therapies to children and adults with physical, emotional and developmental disabilities.

Services: Early Literacy Development Programs, Equestrian Therapy

8124 State Route 268

Corydon, KY 42406

(270) 854-3150

Buckhorn Campus, Buckhorn Children and Family Services

Provides residential behavioral health services and other family-related services for females ages 13-17 years of age.

Services: Residential Mental Health Treatment Facilities, Therapeutic Group Homes

116 Buckhorn Lane

Buckhorn, KY 41721

(606) 398-7000

Cabell Platt Medical Center, Health First Community Health Center

Provides a variety of medical services including pediatric, family and internal medicine, dermatology and mental health.

Services: Community Clinics, Outpatient Mental Health Facilities

700 Martin Luther King Jr Avenue

Henderson, KY 42420

(270) 826-4800

Calhoun, Health First Community Health Center

Provides a variety of medical services including pediatric, family and internal medicine, dermatology and mental health.

Services: Community Clinics, Outpatient Mental Health Facilities

295 Main Street

Calhoun, KY 42327

(270) 273-9310

Viewing 1-10 of 93 results (listed by best match)
